Nowadays, the minimization of inventory costs and the prevention of selling out are among the most important issues for companies' inventory planning teams. The diversity of products and sales channels makes control and decision-making steps difficult in planning processes. It is the most basic rule of successful sales management to deliver the desired product to the customer as soon as possible through different channels.
Within the framework of all these needs, the ability to make an effective demand forecasting, to ensure that in-system inventories are in the correct quantities in the correct channels and to plan new purchases within the buffer stocks creates the need for an application that will bring the data from demand forecasting and these systems into the replenishment and allocation processes. Respectively, the process is managed as sales forecast data generation, inter-store transfers, warehouse and inter-store transfers and procurement.
Prodea special solution is aimed at managing replenishment and allocation processes with the data from sales forecasting engines, based on the experience we have gained in projects for many years.
Transfer orders are created from the central warehouse to the store within the framework of the constraints set to meet the store sales data.
By calculating warehouse transfers, open purchase orders, buffer stock data, and optionally return order data, the purchase requirement for the central warehouse is calculated and purchase orders are created automatically.
With the Prodea solution, the cross-transfer algorithm, it makes the decision to transfer the generated sales data from the store with excess stock, taking into account various criteria. Optionally, the transfer documents to be opened are reduced to the approval of the relevant department or automatically run for a certain day - time. The cross transfer solution works according to many parameters such as broken index, number of store stock days. The cross transfer program can be used to manage the deteriorating stock balance independent of the replenishment and allocation process, or it can be positioned as part of the replenishment and allocation process according to the strategy to be determined.
Constraint Management screen is designed for periodic restriction operations that are desired to be used for stock movements. With this structure, constraint groups are created by the user with the following criteria:
For these constraint groups created, the transfer and order documents to be opened in the system are blocked. Which document type will be blocked can be changed parametrically. In addition, the user can choose which direction to block within the constraint group:
A separate interface is designed for the user to manage the program parameters. In this way, it is possible to run the program only in the date range and with the filter - parameter data desired by the user without any revision by the technical team.
In case the user wants to exclude forecast data and orders to be opened for certain product groups, the constraint management structure is used.
Managing end-to-end demand forecasting, cross-transfer and ordering processes with Prodea solutions through the SAP system is a big plus for faster decision making, controlling processes and accelerating the procurement process.